Mbale pastor succumbs to COVID-19 as police's Kasingye tests positive
Mbale pastor succumbs to COVID-19 as police's Kasingye tests positive August 23, 2020...
View ArticleCorruption and Human rights violations by the neo-liberal Kenya state: When...
Kenya police fire tear gas at COVID-19 corruption protesters August 23, 2020 Written by VOA...
View ArticleWhen Christians seek to please human beings instead of God : Pastor Raphael...
Megachurch Pastor: Abortion 'Is Consistent with' Christianity and 'I Will Fight' to Keep it...
View ArticleDouble Standards for double races : Brittany L. killed a male leopard in his...
WAR - Wildlife At Risk International - AfricaAtuegiSusltlmr ptm1mo6o anttlc 1ne0lnr:sot01 trtSrePMd · This is Brittany L. She killed this male leopard in his prime. According to SCI (Safari Club...
View ArticleThe Luciferian tenets of Chinese Communism : China orders hospitals to abort,...
A couple takes pictures with their baby on the Tiananmen Gate in Beijing, China, November 2, 2015. | Reuters/Kim Kyung-HoonChina orders hospitals to abort, kill newborn babies of religious and ethnic...
View ArticleParading Luciferian Wickedness as heroism : When a white sinner sinned with...
Church Leaders React After Mike Oliver Expose Kenyan Ladies 2020-08-25 Church leaders from Mukurweini, Nyeri county have aired their...
View ArticleUK is not Heaven, it is a structurally racist society that can kill you:...
Ms Baguma is believed to have lost her job when her right to work expiredUgandan mum found dead next to 'starving baby' in...
View ArticleThe Plight of Primary Teachers in Museveni’s Covid 19 locked neo-liberal state
Teachers quit teaching August 26, 2020 Written by Zurah Nakabugo Without jobs and regular salary for months, teachers are being...
View ArticleWhen Neo-liberal Thug pastors with security detail Rob Ugandans with...
Con bishop steals billions from UgandansEphren Taylor, 32 the Ponzi Perpetrator at Eddie Long, Joel Osteen Churches Heads to Prison...
View ArticleNeo-liberal Primitive Wealth Accumulation through Ponzi Schemes : How a non...
MUST READGreed is Good, Greed is right, greed works: How thousands including UPDF general were fleeced of billions in cryptocurrency neo-liberal scam...
View ArticleGreed is Good, Greed is right, greed works: How thousands including UPDF...
One of the Victims who lost over 200 million in the Scam MUST READGreed is Good, Greed is right, greed works: How thousands including UPDF general were fleeced of billions in cryptocurrency...
View ArticlePonzi schemes in Uganda are part and parcel of the government’s Plan to...
MUST READGreed is Good, Greed is right, greed works: How thousands including UPDF general were fleeced of billions in cryptocurrency neo-liberal scam...
View ArticleFrom Uganda to Kenya to Nigeria to Zambia : When African governments look on...
MUST READGreed is Good, Greed is right, greed works: How thousands including UPDF general were fleeced of billions in cryptocurrency neo-liberal scam...
View ArticleWhy not run to Jesus who does not descriminate DALITs:A Letter to Kangana...
A Letter to Kangana Ranaut On Caste and Reservation'In cinema, not a single big name is from a marginalised community. If modern Indians...
View ArticleNorway: Muslim mob beats critic of Islam for saying Muhammad was a false...
Norway: Muslim mob beats critic of Islam for saying Muhammad was a false prophet Aug...
View ArticlePagan Roman Catholicism and the Worship of Skulls, Bones and Corpses: Flee...
The adorable corpse of Catholic Goa;postID=2399364738775635952 This picture is exposing archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão of...
View ArticleWhen Norway became a Cesspool of Bestiality: Hundreds of Norwegians have sex...
MUST READ:Challenging God by equating Animals to Human beings using Junk Science : From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the Universal Declaration of Sentient...
View ArticleWhen Pentecostals joined Catholics, Hindus, Muslims, SDA and Anglicans at...
DAY OF NATIONAL PRAYERS The depiction of Museveni as a born again Christian yet he left the faith long time ago reporting...
View ArticleMuseveni satanic mudslinging tactics against his political opponents exposed:...
Bobi Wine: Regime out to detract, discredit our mission September 1, 2020 Written by ROBERT KYAGULANYI...
View ArticleNeo-liberal Land Grab through Rape and at the Barrel of the Gun: Raped off...
Raped off their land: hallowing tales of Kiryandongo evictees September 1, 2020 Written by Sadab...
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