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The Roman Catholic Church in Goa leads the people into forbidden idolatry in the name of “Christ”, and defames Jesus of the Bible


Idolatry in the name of Christ

The Roman Catholic Church in Goa leads the people into forbidden idolatry in the name of “Christ”, and defames Jesus of the Bible.
A poor Indian is lead into idolatry, paying to the mortal remains of a Spaniard.
A poor Indian is lead into idolatry in Goa, paying to the remains of a mortal Spaniard.
The state of affairs in Goa in India is going from bad to disastrous. The Roman Catholic archbishop leads the citizens into worship of a corpse, a skeleton, the possible remains of an European imperial Jesuit priest.
The Church has promised the people that 5 million pilgrims will come during the 44 days of exposure of Spaniard Francis Xavier. 75 million USD (4.000 Cr. rupee) is expected in revenue, from a daily influx of 100.000 visitors to Old Goa.  A promise that has already been broken during the two first days of exposition, since hardly 18.000 devotees turned up this weekend.
The Times of India, 20th of November 2014.
The Times of India, 20th of November 2014.
Will the Indian press hold the Catholic Church accountable, or will the editors continue to mislead their readers?

The local media in Goa is backing the Church, hoping the state will make a quick buck from the pilgrims.
The local media in Goa is backing the Church, hoping the state will make a quick buck from the pilgrims. Gomantak Times, 23rd of November 2014.
Even small children are forces to kiss the glass box wich contains the 500 year old corpse.
Even small children are forced to kiss the glass box which contains the 500 year old corpse.
The most serious side of this religious ritual, is the defamation of the scriptures. The Bible warns all Christian neither to consult the dead, nor to pray to the dead. The adoration, veneration and worship of all true Christians are towards God alone.
Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
The Roman Catholic religion ignore the Bible. All who follows the instructions of the Papacy are lead into blasphemy against God of the Bible. In the state of Goa, false Christianity is making the scriptures null and void.

 Deuteronomy 18:10-12
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.
Unfortunately, the small number of goan Christian leaders are silent. Not standing up for the truth, and demanding an end to this forbidden idolatry in the name of Christ.
Mark 13:22
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
  We must all pray for the goans, that they will all be released from this kind of deceptions and spiritual slavery. That they will renounce their false Apostles, and rather embrace Jesus the Messiah, the savior of the World. Amen.
Written by Ivar

The adorable corpse of Goa

This picture is exposing archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão of Goa as a worshiper of the dead.
Bishop Filipe Neri Ferrão of Goa mock the Bible by his worship of the dead.
Bishop Filipe Neri Ferrão of Goa mock the Bible by his worship of the dead. (Click on the image to download a larger copy).
The worship of corpses, bones and skulls are a particular part of the Roman Catholic religion. This picture is exposing the present archbishop of Goa, and a couple of dozen of his priests, worshiping a corpse claimed to be of Francis Xavier of Spain.
This has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity.
What takes place in Old Goa has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity. (Click on the image to download a larger copy).
For all Christians, these two pictures are offensive. Since Jesus the Messiah said that He is the God of the living, not the God of the dead.
The Messiah also said that people would misuse his name, and deceive many. The correct message to these pictures are:
Luke 9:60
Jesus said to him, ‘Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.
Published by Ivar

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