ARCHIVES - Articles written by S.R. Shearer spanning over 2 decades with regards to events leading up to the Last Days. These events surround who Babylon is and the crimes that Babylon has committed on the rest of the world. S.R. Shearer reveals the atrocities Babylon has done to secure itself as the most powerful nation on earth - a superpower not to be contended with even when under weak leadership. S.R. Shearer exposes spiritual wickedness most Church leaders would never tread - CIA assassinations, presidents involved in pedophilia, death squads to justify the greed of an empire and many scary dark holes that most people would never think to find themselves in. He also has written about the Supernatural World's connection with Babylon. Plus, he expands on the wickedness of the Church's involvement with big business and what they compromised for money. He wrote these articles so that you can prepare yourself for what is about to take place and understand the nature of the evil that has trekked its way up to our present time.
ContinueThe New Antipas Papers - My father, S.R. Shearer wrote the Antipas Papers back in the late 1970's when his life was on the brink of collapse because of PTSD. He wrote it only 10 years after being deployed to Vietnam, which took a horrible toll on his life, and would haunt him to his last day here on earth. But through prayers and his love for God, he was able to write what was on his heart for some time about the "End Days." Now over 40 years has passed, and his book has expanded to include more details about the events leading up to and including the Tribulation. It will prepare you to ready yourself and be on the lookout for the "Treaty" between Israel and the Antichrist, which will start the Tribulation. We are very close to that event so be the watchman who will blow the trumpet when the Tribulation starts.
ContinueAll this gives the lie to the claim by many in the Western media that the nations of Africa are "FAILED STATES" - the plain implication of such a statement being that these nations are "FAILED STATES"BECAUSE THE BLACKS OF AFRICA ARE A "FAILED PEOPLE"- as Gary North and other Christian evangelicals would have people to believe. But the fact is, these states are "failed states" because the West - and most particularly, the United States - have very purposefully and deliberately created the conditions to collapse them as states. Moreover, the fact that these states are ruled over by brutal THUGS is true precisely and only because the West has installed these THUGS in power to do their bidding - people such as Mobutu Sese Seko - and assassinated all those who would have aligned Africa in the interests of the African people - leaders such as Patrice Lumumba. S,R. Shearer
For the past several decades, a New World Order has been emerging. The model calls for most of the nations of the world to be divided into two parts - an elite class of political / economic "managers," which in most countries approximates about 20 percent of the population, and a "worker-serf" class, which makes up the remaining 80 percent of the population. The "managers" rule the country at the behest and in the interest of American corporate power, which itself is sustained by the machinations and intrigues of the CIA, which in turn is backed up by the guns of the American military. It is an Orwellian realm of "Newspeak" in which there is very little connection between perception and reality; where "freedom" means "slavery;""democracy" means rule of the many by the fewin the interest of corporate profits; and ORGANIZED religion is utilized as a significant and extremely consequential instrument of state control.For the eighty percent of the population which falls into the "worker-serf" category, it is a notably cruel and utterly despotic system. It's held together in two ways: first, by police forces given to fascist-like brutality, torture, terror, and, on extreme occasions, the use of death squads; and second, by an ORGANIZED religious system which has mastered "magic,""mysticism," and Pavlovian psychologicaltechniques. S.R shearer
Failed by Design : Uganda will be a failed state by 2030 according to study
CHRISTIANS IN AFRICA: AWAKE! America and the American Church Are Not Your Friends
MUST WATCH : Greed Is Good
End of the M23 Era but no end yet to USA and her clients’ looting of Congo resources : Kabila Congratulates Congo Army for Defeating M23 Rebels: FARDC captured Ugandan and Rwandan Nationals fighting alongside M23 Rebels